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Welcome to Consolvo

We have put together useful information to assist you in starting your new position. Below you will learn how to create a password for your work e-mail, as well as tabs with further information on important topics

How to create password for work e-mail?

You have been given a separate e-mail address ( firstname.lastname@consolvo.no ) which you must use in a work context. This will be activated on your first day of work and will be used as our primary point of contact with you. There you will receive information, invitations and reminders, so it is important that you download the Outlook app on your mobile and activate notifications.

Your email is activated at the latest on your first day of work, and you can create a password for the email as soon as this is activated. Click on the link you have received via SMS from AF Gruppen, which will take you to the page http://myaf.no.

Press the Sign in button and enter your Consolvo email address - press Next
Enter your optional password and press Log in/ Sign in
Enter the code that you receive via SMS and press Kontroller/ Verify .
You have now registered your user.

The SMS will be sent to the phone number listed in your contract. With this login you have access to Outlook, Teams and Motimate .

Mascot , SmartDok and Visma each have their own username and password.

Some courses can be completed by participating online, preferably via Teams, and others require physical attendance.

Teams is an app similar to Skype or Viber , so you can download it via the Appstore/Play store

For technical help, contact AF IT: 
helpdesk@afgruppen.no /22 89 11 11