The tax card is an electronic document that shows how much tax your employer must deduct before the salary is paid to you. Consolvo collects your tax card automatically, and you do not need to do anything in connection with this collection. What you must take care of, however, is that you are taxed correctly in relation to your annual income, so that you do not have to pay residual tax.
You can check what you should pay in tax here: Tax card with tabular or percentage deductions - The Norwegiam Tax Agency
You can change your tax card here: Order, view or change your tax card - The Norwegian Tax Agency
To be able to work in Norway as a foreign employee, you must first get a D-number. To get this, you must submit your employment contract. If this is temporary, your tax will be calculated based on the expected amount for the period your contract refers to. The less you earn, the lower the tax, so remember to change your tax card if you are going to work beyond what your contract dictates (the one you submitted when you got your D-number).