Fjerning og gjenvinning
Vi har erfaring og kompetanse til å gjennomføre tre ulike type tjenester:
- Total Decom Solutions (fase 1-6)
- EPRD Engineering, Preparations, Removal and Disposal (kildesortering og gjenvinning) (fase 3-6)
- Mottak for kildesortering og gjenvinning (Fase 6)
Integrated total decommisioning solutions
We are a catalyst for the oil and gas industry’s transition by offering a total decommisioning solution for the global offshore recycling market. Our project management experience and large capabilities enable us to handle any projects. With selected partners AF Offshore Decom can integrate and create turnkey decommissioning solutions including:
- Well Management & P&A
- Facility isolation & cleaning
- Removal and disposal of Topsides, Jackets and subsea infrastructure.
- Onshore dismantling, recycling and waste management.
Alice Andreassen
Daglig leder
AF Offshore Decom AS
AF Gruppen har tilgang til fasiliteter for demontering og kildesortering i Vats utenfor Haugesund.
Sirkulær økonomi - Hvordan gjenvinne en plattform